TBN Yetu Yetu
Amazing Facts
Explore the Bible like never before and get practical guidance on Christian living, prophecy, and more. You will find the Bible’s answers to all your questions about life.
- Saturday 6:30PM
- Tuesday 2AM
Ambassador of Change
Join Pearl Kupe as she hosts a new talk show with varied marketplace topics and guests who are change agents in the different spheres of society.
- Sunday 12PM
Chika Onuzo
Come and let the fire of the Holy Ghost breathe new life in you through this programme. Your fire for God will be ignited and your hope will be restored.
- Wednesday 12PM (Repeat)
- Friday 12PM (Repeat)
- Monday 12PM (Repeat)
Creation in The 21st Century
Where scientific discoveries connect with your Christian life. Using a combination of creation, biblical astronomy and archeology to build a solid case for Jesus Christ.
- Saturday 3AM (Repeat)
- Saturday 12:30PM (Repeat)
Drive Thru History: Acts to Revelation
Beginning in Jerusalem and using the Book of Acts as his roadmap, Dave Stotts travels and explores the Mediterranean region to share the events that launched the Christian faith.
- Saturday 5AM
- Saturday 6PM
Empowered in Christ
Join Evangelist Daniel Gelyana as he teaches on the power of healing through Jesus Christ.
- Wednesday 5:30AM
- Wednesday 2:30PM
- Thursday 5:30AM
- Thursday 2:30PM
- Friday 5:30AM
- Friday 2:30PM
- Monday 5:30AM
- Monday 2:30PM
- Tuesday 5:30AM
- Tuesday 2:30PM
Extreme Life
Join our host, Ivan van Vuuren, as he and the XL crew deliver a message of life while taking us behind the scenes, deep into the world of action sports.
- Friday 8:30PM (Repeat)
- Saturday 2AM (Repeat)
God Came Near with Max Lucado
Advent messages to prepare our hearts for Christmas. Relive Christ the Son of God becoming man. Max brings to life the most important event in history, when God came near
- Friday 4:30AM
- Monday 5:30PM
Godman Akinlabi
Godman has a God-given mandate to Make Greatness Common. He is particularly driven to speak about the role of the church in the development of the African continent.
- Tuesday 10PM
Greg answers the big questions in life. Why Ami I here? Where will I go when I die? Everyone thinks about those things, but we seldom slow down to consider them carefully.
- Saturday 10PM
I's Supernatural with Sid Roth
Sid's desire is for all people to know Jesus. He investigates and reports on people who have experienced extraordinary healings, miracles and personal encounters with God.
- Friday 2:30PM
Take an inside look at modern Israel, including stories of what Israel has accomplished with regards to technology, innovation, faith and more.
- Wednesday 11AM
Into the Amazon
Discover why the Amazon is one of the most controversial places on earth. Learn the truth in the battle between radical environmentalism and biblical Christianity.
- Wednesday 8PM
Isinqumo Sami
Drama showcasing obstacles that university students come across daily, parents' communication breakdowns, struggles within the academic sphere.
- Sunday 7:30PM
John Roebert
Ps John and Mandri Roebert lead Choose Life Church in Pretoria. With a passion for the Holy Spirit, Worship and God’s Word, their motto is ‘Helping People Know Jesus’.
- Thursday 1PM
- Sunday 10AM
Joyce Meyer
Joyce Meyer, one of the world's leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives.
- Wednesday 8AM
- Wednesday 2PM
- Wednesday 7PM
- Thursday 8AM
- Thursday 2PM
- Thursday 7PM
- Friday 8AM
- Friday 2PM
- Friday 7PM
- Monday 3:30AM
- Monday 8AM
- Monday 2PM
- Tuesday 1:30AM
- Tuesday 8AM
- Tuesday 2PM (Repeat)
- Tuesday 7PM
Let's Talk with Rose Kholumo
This show brings to light the things which are happening in our societies. Let's Talk allows us to delve into pressing social issues.
- Saturday 2PM
Life Today
This daily program features guests who emerged victorious from difficulties in their lives.
- Friday 10PM
- Saturday 1AM
Now Living with Javen
Javen invites you to start living your best life NOW.
- Thursday 12:30AM (Repeat)
- Saturday 7PM
Inspiring talk and music at the intersection of faith, culture and current trends.
- Thursday 4AM (Repeat)
- Thursday 5PM
- Tuesday 4AM (Repeat)
- Tuesday 5PM
Rabbi Kirt Schneider
Messianic Rabbi Schneider: A Spirit-filled Jewish believer in Jesus helps us connect the Old and New Testaments.
- Saturday 8AM
- Sunday 11PM
Route 60 The Biblical Highway
A 4-Part documentary series. Running North to South, Route 60 connects ancient Israel with modern Israel, Jews and Christians and Muslims, and Israelis with Palestinians.
- Saturday 10:30PM
- Sunday 8PM
TBN Meets
A premium lifestyle program that celebrates the best that Africa has to offer. The weekly program features some of Africa's most talented individuals, as well as those who make a difference in, and impact the lives of, their communities.
- Thursday 2AM
- Thursday 8PM
- Friday 1:30AM
- Sunday 6PM
- Monday 12:30AM
- Monday 9PM
TBN Play Christmas
A selection of the finest Christmas Music Videos.
- Wednesday 1AM
- Thursday 1AM
- Friday 1AM
- Friday 3:30AM
- Friday 10:30AM
- Friday 9PM
- Saturday 1:30AM
- Saturday 2:30AM
- Saturday 3:30AM
- Sunday 1AM
- Sunday 2:30AM
- Sunday 3:30AM
- Sunday 5:30AM
- Sunday 6:30PM
- Sunday 11:30PM
- Monday 1AM
- Monday 2AM
- Tuesday 1AM
The Bait of Satan
One of the most deceptive snares that get believers out of the will of God - offence. John shows you how to stay free from offence and escape the victim mentality.
- Saturday 7:30PM (Repeat)
- Tuesday 9PM
The Chosen Generation
Join Mudinda Mbevhana as he sits down to chat social issues that affect young people. He chats with different experts on issues that help young people.
- Saturday 1:30PM
The Christmas Experience
There is an important truth that we can discover as we experience Christmas. God always keeps His Promises. Discover what it truly means to experience Christmas.
- Saturday 4:30PM
- Sunday 12:30PM
The Eric Metaxas Radio Show
Join nationally syndicated radio host Eric Metaxas as he welcomes guests that uplift, inspire and bring thought-provoking commentary.
- Saturday 7AM
The Faith Show
A captivating program led by Dr. Soares and hosted by Pastor Santos. With over 45 years on air, it reaches 100+ countries, offering inspiring faith-filled content.
- Wednesday 4:30PM
- Thursday 4:30PM
- Friday 4:30PM
- Monday 4:30PM
- Tuesday 4:30PM
The Gospels
The series The Gospels reads and teaches every Word of The Gospel of Jesus Christ in its entirety, which are TheNew Testament Bible books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
- Sunday 2PM
The Rosenberg Report
The Rosenberg Report, a weekly TBN original series from Jerusalem, offers a biblical perspective on current events impacting Israel and the Middle East.
- Wednesday 3AM
- Wednesday 11:30PM
- Thursday 3AM
- Friday 3AM
- Friday 11:30PM
- Monday 3AM (Repeat)
- Monday 11:30PM
- Tuesday 3AM (Repeat)
The Scott Rasmussen Show
Public opinion pollster Scott Rasmussen's weekly updates on the challenges and opportunities facing America from the perspective of everyday Americans.
- Saturday 5:30AM
- Saturday 2:30PM
Transforming Life with Anthony Delaney
He is a leading and influential voice both nationally and internationally. He is known for his practical approach to prayer.
- Friday 5:30PM (Repeat)
- Monday 4:30AM (Repeat)
Victory in My Scars
This Show brings to light the things which are happening in our societies.
- Sunday 2:30PM
When The Light Comes
Life on the road is anything but glamorous. Through it all they praise God city after city, night after night and witness the life-changing power of His healing presence.
- Saturday 6:30AM
- Tuesday 12:30AM
Who Needs Christmas
After Shepherds watched their flocks and wise men followed a star, you may be asking, Who needs Christmas?
- Friday 9:30PM
Word and Spirit
Rediscover the power that was manifested in Book of Acts. A demonstration of signs and miracles; a need to see the gifts of the Spirit operating in the church.
- Wednesday 11:30AM
- Thursday 11:30AM
- Friday 11:30AM
- Monday 11:30AM
- Tuesday 11:30AM